Monday, September 7, 2009

Yesterday was such a great adventure with my best friend. It was a completly free day dedicated to the exploring of the city. We finally got a few guys to go with us- and that made things much more comfortable and easy.

We went to a German Lutheran service at this beautiful church and listened to our organ player play for the service. The acoustics were incredible, and though it was hot and german- it was neat to be there.

Uh oh... I can't figure out how to turn this picture, nor delete it. Bummer. Sorry

THEN... we walked along the walls of the old city and nearly went around it all. It was really cool to look down into the living quaters and schools and really start to see how people live here.

Oops. I don't think we were supposed to see this...:)

Umm... I think I LOVE arab babies. yup. Look at those eyes!

I'm definately a naive and silly American girl here. An arab man said something to me in a very thick accent, and I thought he was talking about his falafels when I repeated, "They're half the size?" then he said, "NO! Oo 'ave nice EYES!". I'm so clueless here... but I'm workin' it out.

We're doin' good.

1 comment:

h said...

need the study of one family livings , pictures ,slides,culture
style of living...